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Angela Scanlon - Joyrider. How gratitude can help you get the life you really want #1
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Angela Scanlon - Joyrider. How gratitude can help you get the life you really want

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How gratitude can get the life you really want... 'Gratitude is your soul's superfood, but cheaper than goji berries, and twice as good for you. I like to think of it as mindfulness for cynics or the
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How gratitude can get the life you really want... 'Gratitude is your soul's superfood, but cheaper than goji berries, and twice as good for you. I like to think of it as mindfulness for cynics or the "gateway drug" to spirituality. It's a very tangible thing you can do everyday that will shift your focus to what you have rather than pining and obsessing over what you don't have. Away from a state of lack into limitless abundance...' So what happens when we stop taking things for granted and start putting some gra* into our gratitude? When we consciously turn our heads and hearts to what we have and focus on the good? In Joy Rider, television presenter and host of the podcast Thanks A Million, Angela Scanlon, presents her guide to tapping into your own natural super resource - joy. This book is an invitation to embrace the kind of gratitude that cuts through the bulls**t of life to its truth, connecting us with the present and grounding us in self. When there is so much to feel anxious about, Angela shares with readers how focusing our attention on the small, incremental positives in life can completely change it for the better. * It means love in Irish
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Scanlon Angela
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