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Arun Gandhi - The Gift. Ten spiritual lessons for the modern world from my Grandfather, Mahatma Gandhi #1
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Arun Gandhi - The Gift. Ten spiritual lessons for the modern world from my Grandfather, Mahatma Gandhi | Gandhi Arun

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Gandhi was an icon, but what would he teach us if he were alive today? In this Sunday Times bestseller, his grandson Arun reveals the ten vital and extraordinary lessons his grandfather taught him, a
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Gandhi was an icon, but what would he teach us if he were alive today? In this Sunday Times bestseller, his grandson Arun reveals the ten vital and extraordinary lessons his grandfather taught him, all of which are more relevant now than ever... Arun believes that the violence and turmoil in the world today makes Gandhi's teachings more vital than ever, and The Gift places these lessons in a modern context, shedding new light on how Gandhi's principles can - and must - be applied to today's concerns. The moving, often irreverent, story of Arun's years growing up at the iconic Sevagram ashram provides the setting for the treasured moments spent his grandfather, which are an engaging and often surprising read. These memories give a rare insight into Gandhi the man behind the icon, and reveal the motivations behind his ten inspirational lessons which we can all learn from today. From using anger for good, to knowing your own worth, we can all learn something from Ghandi and become better versions of ourselves.
Gandhi Arun
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Gandhi Arun
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  • Gandhi Arun Автор


  • Penguin Издательство
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