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Black Earth: A Journey Through Russia After the Fall. Черная земля: путешествие по России после падения #1
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Black Earth: A Journey Through Russia After the Fall. Черная земля: путешествие по России после падения СССР | Мейер Эндрю, Meier Andrew

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Описание:Russia today is a world in a dark limbo. The body politic is diseased, the state in collapse. Yet for all the signs of encroaching doom, Russians do not fear the future. They fear the past. R
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Russia today is a world in a dark limbo. The body politic is diseased, the state in collapse. Yet for all the signs of encroaching doom, Russians do not fear the future. They fear the past. Russians have long known theirs is not a land that develops and progresses. It careens, heaves, and all too often sinks.

Once again, Russia stands at a crossroads getting by on little but faith, vodka and a blithe indifference to the moral and financial bankruptcy looming from all sides.

Andrew Meier’s stunning debut explains a state in collapse; how millions of Russians have been displaced by the death of an ideology. It seeks to explain how the Russian government can increase defence spending by 50% whilst the poverty line cuts through a third of its households, and the people face epidemics of AIDS, TB, alcoholism and suicide.

Russia’s story is told through the voices of Russians who live at the five corners of the nation. It is a dramatic portrait of Russia at a time when the old regime has given way, but the new has yet to take hold. Meier has travelled to the extremes – north to Norilsk above the Arctic Circle; east to Sakhalin, south to Vladikavkaz and west to St. Petersburg. And to Moscow.

His writing is classic, poised, poignantly observant and richly human. No one has yet captured the historical, cultural and political disintegration of Russia as well as Andrew Meier.


First Edition. This book contains black and white photographs and maps.

Meier Andrew, Мейер Эндрю
W. W. Norton & Company, Inc.
Язык издания
Тип бумаги в книге
Размеры, мм
Формат издания
Тип обложки
Твердый переплет, суперобложка
Вес товара, г
Основной жанр книги
Нехудожественная литература
Количество страниц
Автор на обложке
Andrew Meier
Тип книги
Книга на иностранном языке
Информация о технических характеристиках, комплекте поставки, стране изготовления, внешнем виде и цвете товара носит справочный характер и основывается на последних доступных к моменту публикации сведениях


  • Meier Andrew Автор
  • Мейер Эндрю Автор


  • W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. Издательство
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