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Boon Lim - Keeping Your Heart Healthy #1
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Boon Lim - Keeping Your Heart Healthy

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Worried about your heart health but unsure where to start? One of the world's leading cardiologists, Dr Boon Lim, has created the go-to guide to keeping your heart in good shape for optimum health.
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Worried about your heart health but unsure where to start? One of the world's leading cardiologists, Dr Boon Lim, has created the go-to guide to keeping your heart in good shape for optimum health. This concise accessible book covers everything you need to know about improving and maintaining your heart health. From hypertension, cholesterol and inherited cardiac conditions, to chest pain, fainting and stress, Dr Lim draws on his years of knowledge and expertise to offer practical, easy-to-follow advice on: · How your heart works · High blood pressure and bad cholesterol · Heart attack and chest pain · Rhythm disorders · Fainting · Eating and exercising for a healthy heart · Striking the balance between stress and rest · Holistic heart health If you're experiencing heart problems, have high blood pressure or cholesterol, or think you or a loved one might be at increased risk of heart attack or stroke, this book will provide step-by-step tips on how to prevent and reduce heart issues by exercising more, being mindful of your nutrition and diet, and by making smarter, healthier lifestyle choices. This is the ultimate guide to your heart: how it works, when it struggles, what it needs to work optimally and how you can shape your lifestyle to keep it ticking for a long time.
Penguin Life
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Lim Boon
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  • Penguin Life Издательство
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