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Louis Weinstock - How the World is Making Our Children Mad and What to Do About It | Weinstock Louis #1
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Louis Weinstock - How the World is Making Our Children Mad and What to Do About It | Weinstock Louis

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How can we raise children in a world that appears to have gone so wrong? We all want our children to grow up in a world where they feel safe, and where people are kind to each other and the planet. B
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How can we raise children in a world that appears to have gone so wrong? We all want our children to grow up in a world where they feel safe, and where people are kind to each other and the planet. But when we hear about climate change, a mental health crisis, war, it's hard not to worry about the future and how they will cope. Drawing on over 20 years of helping children and families, psychotherapist Louis Weinstock is here to help. Combining case studies, playful meditations and simple exercises with life-changing insights from history, science, psychology and anthropology, this is a parenting book like no other. Whether your child is struggling with mental health issues already, or you want to build their capacity to handle change and uncertainty, this book is a safe place to catch your breath and develop the skills to help your child through life's challenges. You will discover ways to find peace in the middle of chaos, bring deeper levels of love and healing to the troubled parts of your child (and yourself) and find hope when things feel hopeless. Most importantly, you will see that inside of you there is strength, wisdom and beauty, and no matter what is going on in this mad world, you can guide your child towards a more beautiful tomorrow.
Weinstock Louis
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Weinstock Louis
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  • Vermilion Издательство
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