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Matt Baker - A Year on Our Farm. How the Countryside Made Me | Baker Matthew #1
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Matt Baker - A Year on Our Farm. How the Countryside Made Me | Baker Matthew

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Matt Baker's first ever book is a year spent on the farm; told through the seasons this is his diary of the natural world, his farm and his family A celebration of the natural year, Matt Baker's firs
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Matt Baker's first ever book is a year spent on the farm; told through the seasons this is his diary of the natural world, his farm and his family A celebration of the natural year, Matt Baker's first ever book will take the reader on a journey through the seasons: January to December, Spring to Winter on his Hertfordshire farm with his family. Over the past year our relationship with nature has become vital, and Matt's observations of the natural world make for healing reading. The surrounding British wildlife plays a major role in life on the farm and Matt's thoughts and reflections can help every one of us. The book will also follow Matt in his bid to save his parent's organic sheep farm in the rolling Durham Hills, covered in the 4-part More4 television series Our Farm on the Dales, airing in spring this year. Much-loved on Blue Peter, BBC One's Countryfile and The One Show, Matt Baker writes about his family, his farming life and the power and beauty of the natural world.
Baker Matthew
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Baker Matt
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  • Baker Matthew Автор


  • Penguin Издательство
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