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Paris: The Memoir #1
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Paris: The Memoir

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Paris Hilton

О книге

PARIS: A MILLION MEANINGS IN A SINGLE NAME Heiress. Party girl. Problem child. Selfie taker. Model. Reality star. Self-created. The labels attached to Paris Hilton. Founder. Entrepreneur. Pop Culture
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PARIS: A MILLION MEANINGS IN A SINGLE NAME Heiress. Party girl. Problem child.

Selfie taker. Model. Reality star.

Self-created. The labels attached to Paris Hilton. Founder.

Entrepreneur. Pop Culture Maker. Innovator.

Survivor. Activist. Daughter.

Sister. Wife. Mother.

The roles Paris embraces as a fully realized woman. Paris rose to prominence as an heiress to the Hilton hotel empire but cultivated her fame and fortune as the IT Girl of the aughts, a time marked by the burgeoning 24-hour entertainment news cycle and the advent of the celebrity blog. Using her celebrity brand, Paris set in motion her innovative business ventures, while being the constant target of tabloid culture that dismissively wrote her off as "famous for being famous." With tenacity, sharp business acumen and grit, she built a global empire and, in the process, became a truly modern icon beloved around the world.

Now, with courage, honesty, and humour, Paris Hilton is ready to take stock, place it all in context and share her story with the world. Separating the creation from the creator, the brand from the ambassador, Paris: The Memoir strips away all we thought we knew about a celebrity icon, taking us back to a privileged childhood lived through the lens of undiagnosed ADHD, a teenage rebellion that triggered a panicked - and perilous - decision by her parents. Led to believe they were saving their child's life, Paris's mother and father had her kidnapped and saw her sent to a series of 'emotional growth boarding schools', where she survived almost two years of verbal, physical and sexual abuse.

In the midst of a hell we now call the 'troubled teen industry', Paris created a beautiful inner world where the ugliness couldn't touch her. She came out, resolving to trust no-one but herself as she transformed that fantasy world into a multibillion-dollar reality. Recounting her perilous journey through pre-#MeToo sexual politics with grace, dignity and just the right amount of sass.

Paris: The Memoir tracks the evolution of celebrity culture through the story of the figure at its leading edge, full of defining moments and marquee names. Most important, Paris shows us her path to peace while she challenges us to question our role in her story and in our own. Welcome to Paris.

HarperCollins UK
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Paris Hilton
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  • HarperCollins UK Издательство
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