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Fyodor Dostoevsky - Crime and Punishment | Dostoevsky Fyodor #1
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Fyodor Dostoevsky - Crime and Punishment | Dostoevsky Fyodor

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Pain and suffering are always inevitable for a large intelligence and a deep heart…” Crime and Punishment is one of the greatest and most readable novels ever written. From the beginning we are locke
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Pain and suffering are always inevitable for a large intelligence and a deep heart…” Crime and Punishment is one of the greatest and most readable novels ever written. From the beginning we are locked into the frenzied consciousness of Raskolnikov who, against his better instincts, is inexorably drawn to commit a brutal double murder. From that moment on, we share his conflicting feelings of self-loathing and pride, of contempt for and need of others, and of terrible despair and hope of redemption: and, in a remarkable transformation of the detective novel, we follow his agonised efforts to probe and confront both his own motives for, and the consequences of, his crime. The result is a tragic novel built out of a series of supremely dramatic scenes that illuminate the eternal conflicts at the heart of human existence: most especially our desire for self-expression and self-fulfilment, as against the constraints of morality and human laws; and our agonised awareness of the world’s harsh injustices and of our own mortality, as against the mysteries of divine justice and immortality.
Dostoevsky Fyodor
Wordsworth Library Collection
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Автор на обложке:
Федор Достоевский. Книга на английском языке. English language book, Федор Достоевский. Книга на английском языке. English language book, Dostoevsky Fyodor
Информация о технических характеристиках, комплекте поставки, стране изготовления, внешнем виде и цвете товара носит справочный характер и основывается на последних доступных к моменту публикации сведениях


  • Dostoevsky Fyodor Автор


  • Wordsworth Library Collection Издательство
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