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Sense of Place. Design Inspired by Where We Live #1
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Sense of Place. Design Inspired by Where We Live

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Аннотация к книге "Sense of Place. Design Inspired by Where We Live": Explore how the world around us can inspire meaningful, personal, and beautiful interiors to make a house a home in Sense of Place
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Аннотация к книге "Sense of Place. Design Inspired by Where We Live": Explore how the world around us can inspire meaningful, personal, and beautiful interiors to make a house a home in Sense of Place by interior design experts and Travel Home authors Caitlin Flemming and Julie Goebel. For anyone interested in curating a home that is personal, functional, and beautiful, it’s important to understand how our surroundings impact our interiors. When a space evokes a strong sense of place — a sense of belonging and comfort — it becomes a place to rest and feel grounded, surrounded by those you cherish most. Evoking nostalgic attachment, the colors and textures of a landscape, or cultural traditions, meaningful and inspired interior design is bound to reflect the broader context of a place. Mother-and-daughter team Goebel and Flemming break down the details of how top designers and creatives style their homes by drawing inspiration from place. From the pastoral beauty of the English countryside to the streets of Mallorca, and from the warm desert palette of New Mexico to the sunny streets of Los Angeles, Sense of Place juxtaposes interior shots, exterior landscapes, and local scenes to reveal the natural harmony between more than 20 homes and their exterior surroundings. With practical tips and evocative essays, interior design and travel enthusiasts alike will be inspired to design their homes to reflect lived experiences.

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