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Tamara Driessen - Luna. Harness the Power of the Moon to Live Your Best Life #1
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Tamara Driessen - Luna. Harness the Power of the Moon to Live Your Best Life

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Bored of feeling stuck and repeating the same situations, again and again? Luna is your definitive guide to finally making the changes in your life that you've been waiting for: the mystical way. You
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Bored of feeling stuck and repeating the same situations, again and again? Luna is your definitive guide to finally making the changes in your life that you've been waiting for: the mystical way. You can expect a combination of Moon teachings, astrology, rituals, crystals, meditations and Tarot, that you can use to align with the Moon's cycles. Tamara will guide you through Waning Moon Rituals to help you move on from your ex and let go of what's been holding you back. New Moon Rituals to activate some game-changing intentions to make your version of success and happiness reality. Waxing Moon Rituals to support you to feel more energised and motivated. Full Moon Rituals to help you get a long-awaited pay-rise and a love spell for when you need a boost in your romantic life. You'll learn ways to amplify your intuition to make your life easier and feel confident about your decisions. Gain a deeper connection with the Moon and ultimately, yourself. Luna is here to illuminate, heal and transform every aspect of your life with the Moon's power. It's time to step into your highest potential.
Penguin Life
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Driessen Tamara
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