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How to Be an Engineer #1
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How to Be an Engineer

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Learn as you do in this hands-on engineering book for kids with Carol Vorderman. Being an engineer isn't just about wearing a hard hat and looking important while holding a clipboard! It's about looki
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Learn as you do in this hands-on engineering book for kids with Carol Vorderman. Being an engineer isn't just about wearing a hard hat and looking important while holding a clipboard! It's about looking at the world and trying to figure out how it works. As well as simple engineering projects for kids to try, DK's How to be an Engineer will teach them how to think like an engineer, including materials, building, machines, getting around, and energy. You can find out how engineers use STEAM subjects and their imaginations to fix problems, and take inspiration from engineering heroes such as Leonardo da Vinci, Mae Jemison, and Elon Musk. This book encourages you to investigate, with amazing projects using things from around your home: find out about materials by crushing loo rolls, learn about jet propulsion with balloons, and build a robot arm from rulers. Fun questions, engineering experiments, and real-life scenarios come together to make engineering relevant. In How to be a Engineer the emphasis is on inspiring kids, which means less time at a computer and more time in the real world! Do you like solving problems? Are you good at making things? Have you ever dreamed of being an inventor? If so you may be an engineer in the making.
Dorling Kindersley
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Vorderman Carol
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  • Dorling Kindersley Издательство
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